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Get Introduced to Whole Brain® Thinking

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

Whole Brain Thinking is a dynamic framework and methodology created by Ned Herrmann. This approach aids individuals and organizations in comprehending and leveraging the thinking preferences of team members. The premise of the model is that people possess diverse thinking styles and preferences, and by recognizing and utilizing these preferences, individuals and teams can work more effectively, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems.

The Whole Brain Thinking model divides thinking into four quadrants, with each quadrant associated with different cognitive functions :

  • Analytical (A): The Analytical quadrant is linked to logical, data-driven, and critical thinking. Those who prefer this quadrant tend to be detail-oriented, factual, and systematic, and they favor structured, well-organized approaches.

  • Practical (B): The Practical quadrant is related to practical and realistic thinking. Individuals in this quadrant focus on practical solutions, prefer established procedures, and are often described as "down-to-earth" thinkers.

  • Relational (C): The Relational quadrant emphasizes interpersonal and emotional thinking. Individuals in this quadrant value relationships, empathy, and social interactions. They excel in understanding and communicating with others.

  • Innovative (D): The Innovative quadrant is associated with creative, holistic, and imaginative thinking. Those who prefer this quadrant are often viewed as innovative problem-solvers. They are comfortable with ambiguity and enjoy exploring new ideas.

The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) is a psychometric tool designed by Ned

Herrmann to evaluate an individual's thinking preferences. It provides insights into which of the four quadrants a person leans towards and identifies their thinking strengths and areas for development. This information can be used for personal and professional development, team-building, and problem-solving.

The Whole Brain Thinking model is a valuable tool for understanding and appreciating the diversity of thought within teams and organizations. By recognizing and valuing different thinking styles, it can enhance communication, collaboration, and decision-making.

At MM Training Academy, we are committed to supporting individuals in achieving their professional aspirations through specialized development courses. Our team of seasoned experts offers training in communication, sales, customer service, and leadership skills to equip learners with essential tools to sharpen their abilities. Our approach is focused on the belief that learning is a journey to achievement, and we strive to keep learners up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Contact MM Training Academy today to embark on your journey to success. For more information, visit or reach us via Line @mmmewe.


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